Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Blender 3D

Blender 3D, http://www.blender.org is a free (yes free), open source 3D modelling program.
Though overwhelming and quite counterintuitive at first, 
you will, in time (a couple of months) be able to navigate the interface with relative ease using the keyboard and mouse in unison. After a few more months it becomes second nature and it will become possible for you to make decent models with a minimum of thought.

Some helpful websites, containing tutorials and information about blender include:

This website is a very good place to start for begginers, and an excelent reference for more experienced users.

This website is a list of tutorials on almost anything you may want to model or render, although many links are broken it still has plenty of good tutorials.

Blenderartists Forum
This website holds the blender community forums, here you can find, critique, tutorials, game demos, and friends.

If you would like to chat in real time with the blender community you may want to head over to the blender IRC channel(s).

Network: irc.freenode.net
Very quiet, support only, must be registered to join, channel: #blender
Happy ready to help channel: #blenderchat
Game engine channel: #gameblender
Speed modelling channel: #smc

These are only a few of the large blender tutorial references. A quick google search will unearth loads of good blender references.

Some of the more advanced features of blender include: A physics and game engine, particle physics, fluid physics, and a softbody physics engine.

All in all blender 3D can be described as a modelling, texturing, animation, and game development suite.

Have fun!

Online IRC Clients

For those of you whom cannot/willnot download and install an IRC client, there are a few different online clients for your pleasure.

First up is http://ircatwork.com/ this is an easy to use online client that will allow you to connect to any channel on any network.

This one http://java.freenode.net/ is limited in that it will only allow you to connect to the FreeNode network, and it needs java to run.

This one http://www.mibbit.com/ will allow you to connect to serveral preset networks, it is written in ajax.

Thats the pretty much all you will need, have fun!